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Packaging and Promoting Your Book - our RWA2018 workshop slides are available now!

Laurie and Marissa had an amazing time at RWA2018 in Denver, Colorado this past week! We're now both home safe and sound, back up in the (equally hot) Ontario, Canada, and reflecting on our wonderful trip! We had the pleasure of sight-seeing around Denver, attending wonderful sessions, hearing amazing speeches, celebrating wonderful romance writers, and giving a workshop of our own - Packaging and Promoting Your Book: How to Write Taglines, Blurbs, Teasers, and More!

As promised, here are the links to the slides from our workshop!

You can access the presentation online here.

And/or, you can download the PDF version of the slide bundle here.

A HUGE thank you to all the staff, volunteers, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees who make the Annual RWA Conference the highlight of our year, every year!! If you have any questions about our workshop, or anything else for that matter, please just shoot us a note here or via :)

And remember, if you would like our notes from this workshop, as well as our Crash Course in Online Advertising and Social Media for Beginners workshops from previous years, just sign up for our newsletter and you'll receive all three in our Ultimate Book Promotion Package PDF Bundle!

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